Excel – How to plot horizontal lines in scatter plot in Excel

chartsmicrosoft excel

I would like to plot a time series with two horizontal lines (depicting limits in my case).

How do I do this?

Example of what I'm trying to achieve (horizontal lines drawn in Paint):

horizontal lines in Excel

Best Answer

There are 2 ways that I know of to do this, the first is essentially as advised by @Thales, just including more detail.


  • Include 2 new columns I labelled these UCL and LCL for upper control limit and lower control limit respectively.
  • Shade all 4 columns and select Insert > Charts (select Scatter Chart) as shown in the figure below:

Add data to scatter chart from the worksheet

  • Re-position the graph, then Right click on each horizontal series and format the data series change the color and set the marker to 'None'.

Trend chart the first approach

THE SECOND WAY (My Personal Preference)...

If you do not want to add the columns you can do the following:

  • Once you have your base chart without the horizontal lines, right click the chart and click 'Select Data...'

Add data to a trend chart

  • Under 'Legend Entries (Series)' select the 'Add' button
  • Name the series
  • enter ={1,20} in the Series X values field - this is the start and end values for the x range
  • enter ={4,4} in the Series Y values field - these are the corresponding Y values see below

Scatter chart with direct data entry

  • Repeat for the other horizontal line using values ={1,20} for the X Series and ={2,2} for the Y Series.
  • Next format the lines as described above and there you have it a chart without the need to add another series.

Trend chart second approach

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