Excel – How to permanently color a column in Excel

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010

How do you set a column or row to always be a certain color even when adding rows or columns? If you shade/color a column normally, when you add a row or copy paste another cell into that column it will be with no fill or with the fill of the copied cell, respectively. I want column A to always be blue no matter what. Can this be achieved?

Best Answer

You could try conditional formatting:

Select entire sheet.

Conditional Formatting -> Add New Rule -> Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Enter formula:


or just


(both the same result - just depends which syntax you feel more comfortable with)

This will check for each cell (you put A1 in because you put it in for the top-left cell of the selection, so A1 because you selected everything - it'll work itself out for the rest of the sheet accordingly)... ...whether its column number is 1 - which will only be the case for column A.

Then pick the formatting you want and click OK, and you're done.

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