Excel – How to make Excel print row by row, one page wide

microsoft excelprinting

I have an Excel spreadsheet that has columns A-U and rows 1-50. 
When I print it at a readable scale, it prints in a three-page-wide format:
page 1 is columns A-F wide and rows 1-20 long,
page 2 is columns G-L and rows 1-20, and page 3 is columns M-U × rows 1-20. 
Then pages 4, 5, and 6 go to rows 21-40, and so on. 
I don't want to scale the printout to be 1 page wide and n pages tall
because that would make the cells too small. 
I would rather have a one-sheet-wide format
in which columns A-U of one row of the spreadsheet
print using two or three rows on the printed page
but keeping the Excel table format, if possible,
and then the next row of the spreadsheet, and so on.

How can I do this?

Best Answer

Use the page setup settings to scale the printout to be 1 page wide and n pages tall. The exact look of the dialog may depend on your printer.

One way to set this is: Go File > Print and select the Scaling dropdown under the Settings. Select Custom and on the Page tab set "Fit to" 1 page wide and 99 (or any large number) tall.

Edit: what you describe in your latest comment is not possible. Excel prints the grid. It can't re-arrange single rows and break them across to fit on one page.

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