Excel – How to graph survey results in Excel

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I would like to graph my survey results with the numerical values of the responses listed on the vertical axis and the questions listed on the horizontal axis.

For example, I imagine the questions noted on the horizontal axis as Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, etc. On the vertical axis, I imagine the actual numerical values (responses) noted by a bar graph.

The possible answers use a 5 point Likert scale (very satisfied to very dissatisfied) that have a numerical 1-5 attached to them, "1" equals very dissatisfied.

How can I graph this?

Best Answer

If I understand what you're asking for, you want a graph that shows, for example:

Question "I like ice cream": 40% strongly agree, 30% agree, 10% neutral, 15% disagree, 5% strongly disagree

Question "I like popcorn": [array of Likert scale proportions similar to the above]

Set up a table in Excel with the questions in column A, % strongly agree in column B, % agree in column C, ... % strongly disagree in column F. You may need to do a fair bit of copy/paste/transposing your data to get this table together. You can also use the raw numbers of respondents instead of percentages.

Then select the whole table, and insert a "stacked column" graph.

If your question stubs are long (more than a few words each), you might be better off with a "stacked bar" graph, running the question stubs vertically and the data bars horizontally.

Hope that helps.

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