Excel – How to get the row number from a vlookup

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010worksheet-function

So I have two spreadsheets where there is some messy data in one of them that needs to be in another.

What I have done so far is copy the columns I want from the messy spreadsheet into a new tab on the clean one. On the clean one, one of the columns is being used as a unique key, but on the messy one, some of those values are duplicated in multiple rows with different information (different columns though, so not overlapping) that I want to pull into the clean one.

I was going to use a formula like this:


But then I realized that VLOOKUP doesn't return the row number where it found that value. (Sheet2 is the tab with the data from the messy spreadsheet. Column B on that spreadsheet is the data I want, but the row should be where it was found instead of an explicit number value like that.)

Is there a function that will return the row where Excel found that value?

Best Answer

I believe that you want "match."


If you want to return the value from that cell, you can use the following:


But, to be clear, the above is only for illustration, as you should use the following instead in that particular circumstance:

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