Excel – How to convert text with middle blank space to a number in Excel

microsoft excelworksheet-function

I am not able to convert a text value of 5 205 with a middle blank space into 5205 in Excel. If I leave the value like this, my report chart with sum displays 0.

If I try to convert the text using the following formula:


it returns an error.

Even if I convert the cell to a number, it leaves the value as it is. My sum still returns 0.

=VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(B297," ","")) isn't working either.

Screenshot showing the result #VALUE

Best Answer

The character that is creating the separation (originally referred to as a "space") may not be a space at all.

Try - using your mouse to select just the blank 'character' and paste it between the "" marks in the substitute formula.

or try one of these three formulas




What do they do? Those are character codes for various types of line feeds / carriage returns.

Give it a try and report back.

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