Excel – How to convert a string to a binary, then hex, value

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2007

In one column I have a bitstring encoded as a string type. In a different column I wish to have the same bits (potentially starting with a leading 0), but as a binary value type. Ultimately, I want to have it in hex representation (string or hex type, doesn't matter) in a third column.

How is this done? Do I have to program something for it or is there a faster way?

Input cell contains the following string: 00000100100011000100100011

I wish to obtain the string: 0123123

Best Answer

Just split the binary number with mid(cell, index_start, len) and do a piecewise change of base with bin2hex() followed by a concatenation (via CONCATENATE() - cell references are delimited by ampersands).

Example row:

0010000100000001110100101 is in one cell X1

Split it up into ceil(len(X1)/8)=4 cells to get groups of 8 bits each.

To split it into the 4 cells, use =MID($X1,start_pos,8), where startpos is the starting index (1 based) of the bitstring in X1

In another set of 4 cells concert the previous 4 cells into hex by referencing them with =BIN2HEX(8bitNrCell,2)

Concatenate the previous 4 cells with =CONCATENATE(1stcell&2ndcell&thirdcell&fourthcell)

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