Excel: How to clear all renamed PivotTable labels

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010pivot table

When using PivotTables in Excel, it's often useful to overtype certain PivotTable labels with new names.

If you have a long list of items you've relabelled, it can be easy to lose track of what the original labels were. The only method I've found to restore the original labels is to go into the source data, dig all the original labels out, and change the PivotTable label back one-at-a-time.

I have over 50 renamed labels, this is tedious.

Is there any way to clear all renamed PivotTable labels for a given field, in one fell swoop?

Edit: I'm using Excel 2010, but interested in any methods available in later versions as well.

Best Answer

  1. Rename the column header/name in the source
  2. Refresh the pivot. This will drop all forced labels and drop field from the pivot.
  3. Rename the column name back to what it was
  4. Refresh pivot again
  5. Add the field back into your pivot.
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