Excel – How to change a single character in an excel formula for 1500 rows

microsoft excel

I have over 1500 rows of information with formulas such as, ='3'!$AH$6 , where each column contains information from another sheet within the workbook. In the example, the sheet labeled '3' is referenced. Is there a way to change only the reference to another sheet for all 1500 rows at one time? For example change the formula to ='4'!$AH$6. I only need to change the reference to another sheet as the cell references will stay the same. I hope this makes sense, thanks for any help.

Best Answer

There are several ways to do this

  1. Use VBA » ALT+F11 to insert and ALT+F8 to execute this little macro

    This has the benefit that you can insert even invalid references (e.g. the reference will be there only on another PC or in the future) without a update data dialog for every cell

    If you want, you can select single columns with columns("A:A") instead of usedrange

    Sub replace()
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False
     For Each cell In UsedRange
        cell.Formula = replace(cell.Formula, "='4", "='3")
     Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
  2. Use Excel find & replace function » CTRL+H and search in formulas.
    Select your columns you want to alter before you open the dialog

    enter image description here

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