Excel – How to apply a formula to an entire Excel column using a keyboard missing its END key

keyboardmicrosoft excelworksheet-function

I have a keyboard with a trackpad that's missing some of the normal keys available on a full-sized keyboard (among them Home and End).

Also, there are 30,000 rows in the sheet and dragging the corner of the cell down the length of the column takes too long. It scrolls for minutes, and I have to create many formulas.

Is it possible in the formula itself to say that it applies to the entire column?

I want to the formula for this new column to grab the first two characters of another column:


Is there a way to specify "column E" rather than Cell E1?

Best Answer

Supposing you want to put the formulas in column F

I would try in this way:

  1. write your formula on F1 (so the first cell will contain =LEFT(E1,2) )

  2. select and copy the cell containing the formula (F1)

  3. select the entire F column (click with your mouse on the column letter on top)

  4. finally paste-special/formula and your formula will be in the entire F column (even a simple paste should do)

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