Excel – Highlight the cell if greater than value in the next column

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So I tried experimenting with conditional formatting, but unable to find a way to highlight the cells in the column if their value is greater than the one in the next column under the same row.

For example:

102 | 110 (highlight right cell)
130 | 120 (highlight left cell)
122 | 133 (highlight right cell)

How would I go about doing this?

Best Answer

Here are the steps for Excel. Assuming the first value is in A1,

  • select A1 to B3
  • click Conditional Formatting > New Rule
  • click Use a formula to determine
  • enter this formula into the formula box and take care with the dollar signs


  • Click the Format button and set the desired format.

  • confirm all dialogs.

enter image description here

In Google sheets, select the cells, create a conditional format with "Custom formula is" and apply the same formula.

enter image description here

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