Excel – Grand total of calculated field of pivot table

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010

My pivot table summarizes the total number of items sold and calculates commissions, say:

ItemA 15 $150
ItemB  6  $30
ItemC  9  $45
Total 30 $300

I want to calculate commission to salespersons: For each item, if it reaches 10 pieces on that day, $10 will be given per piece. Otherwise, it doesn't reach 10 pieces and only $5 for each piece sold.

I used a calculated field:


The commission for each item is calculated correctly. However, the grand total commission is wrongly calculated based on the grand total number of pieces (30 * $10), instead a simple total ($150 + $30 + $45 = $225).

How can I correct my calculated field?

(We use MS Excel 2010)

Best Answer

The Grand Total on a pivot table is fixed to using the same calculation as the Calculated Field. So there isn't a way to modify it.

A solution is to perform the commission calculation in the data table.

enter image description here

You can then use the pivot table to summarize it. This results in the Grand Total being correct.

enter image description here

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