Excel formula to compare two cells and select the one with smaller value

microsoft excel

I want to compare two cells in Excel. Both have a certain value. I want to select the cell with the smaller value and use that in a formula.

For example:

  • Cell E1 is 961.454 and cell E3 is 962.22
  • Cmpare E1 and E3
  • E1 is smaller, now I want to reference E1 in a formula, e.g. E1-C4*D4

Example data:

A       B        C         D       E
963.24  1.7      65.5      0.004   961.454
964.16  1.7      0         0       962.46
963.24  1.7      60        0.004   962.22
963.4   1.7      98        0.004   961.828
963.04  1.7      80        0.004   961.508

Best Answer

You can use =MIN(E1,E3) to get the minimum value between 2 or more cells {=MAX() gives you the maximum value between 2 or more cells}

You can use min in your calculations: =MIN(E1, E3) - C4 * D4.

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