Excel – Filtering DateTime column for Time Range

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010

I have two columns that contain date/time pairs as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS, and I need to filter both columns so that only times between 15:59:59 and 20:00:00 are displayed, the date does not matter. I tried doing a Greater Than filter of ??/??/???? 15:59:59 with a Less Than filter of ??/??/???? 20:00:00 but that just hides all the data. What are the correct filter parameters I should be using to display only the data I need?

Best Answer

While =MOD(A1, 1) will get you the time as a number between 0.000 and 0.999…, =HOUR(A1) will get you an integer between 0 and 23.  Then display 16, 17, 18, and 19.

By the way, it turns out that =HOUR(A1) works on both actual date/time values, and also strings that look like times (with an optional date).


As suggested above, one way to solve your problem would be to establish a helper column containing =HOUR(A1), and then filter that column to display rows containing 16, 17, 18, or 19, and hide the rest.  Another would be to set up a helper column with

=IF(AND(HOUR(A1)>=16,HOUR(A1)<20), "good", "bad")

So the rows where the time is in the desired range show up as “good” and the others show up as “bad”.  Then filter to display the “good” rows and hide the “bad” rows.  (Obviously, if the users are sensitive about the choice of words, you can change them.)  An advantage to this is that it makes it straightforward to handle multiple discriminator data columns with a single helper column.  If I understand your question correctly, you have two date/time columns, and you want to see only the rows where both values are in the late afternoon or early evening.  So put this

=IF(AND(HOUR(A1)>=16,HOUR(A1)<20,HOUR(B1)>=16,HOUR(B1)<20), "good", "bad")

into your helper column.

Now take the next step:

=IF(AND(HOUR(A1)>=16,HOUR(A1)<20,,maybe other conditions),"", "bad")

Now the rows where the time is in the desired range show up as blank and the others show up as “bad”.  Then filter to display the rows with the blank in the helper column, and hide the “bad” rows.  This way, once the filter is turned on, the users won’t see that the helper column has anything in it.

And, of course, in addition to hiding the helper column (as kobaltz suggested and teylyn explained), you can do things like putting it in Column Z (off the edge of the screen), changing the font color to white, and hiding data with a Custom Format.

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