Excel – Excluding certain cells withing a range in Excel

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010worksheet-function

I have a range A1-A10000 and on every row of column C from C1-C10000 I have a formula using the entire range in A but I want to exclude the single cell that is on the same row as the formula itself.

For example:

In cell C10 the formula must ignore A10 but use all the other cells in the range in A.

Is there an easy way to do this?
I am attempting to use Vlookup or Index|Match to make the C collumn find which row in B collumn has a cable with same number/name as the cable on the same row as the forumala is and then display the text in collumn A on that row.
This is going to be done almost 100 000 times so manualy excluding one cell on each line is not on option.
Quick example

I have managed to get the result using if and iserror to get it to first search below it then if it doesnt find a cable with that name it searches above it. but the formula is very messy and probably very inefficient so would like to get a better solution if possible.

Best Answer

It depends on the formula.

Say column A contains numbers and the formula in the c-cells should calculate the average of column A, but should exclude the value in column A adjacent to the formula.

In C1 enter:


and copy down.

It really depends on the formula in question.

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