Excel – Embed Excel sheet in Word 2010

microsoft excelmicrosoft word

I wanted to know if there is any way of doing the following in Word 2010. I want my sheet the whole Excel sheet to be able to paste it into Word document.

  1. Whenever I modify the data in the Excel sheet I want the changes to appear also in Word document, automatically.
  2. Then I also want the ability to modify the contents of the Excel sheet from inside the Word document (for example, I want the ability to change the Excel sheet's cells' values from the pasted/embedded/linked Excel sheet from inside the Word document, and changes also automatically applied to Excel worksheet document).

Best Answer

Yes. In Word, just click on the Insert tab, then in Text group click on Object. Then choose and existing file and make sure you click the checkbox that says Link to File. Like this:

link to file

You can then double-click on the object and the original will be updated once you push "Save" in the Excel app that opens up your XLSX. If you have the Excel document open seperately (meaning you didn't double-click on the object in Word) and update a cell, it won't get automatically updated in Word until either 1) you close and re-open Word or 2) press F9.

This can all be done programmatically as well.

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