Excel – Dropdownlist works in Excel 2010 but not 2007

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010

I have data on another sheet in the same workbook that I am using as a source for a dropdown. It works in Excel 2010, but not in Excel 2007. I tried naming my list and using source =myRangeList where myRangeList is the name of the list. Again, it works in excel 2010, but not in excel 2007.

Anybody know what why it doesn't work in Excel 2007?

Best Answer

I solved this by having both Excel 2007 and 2010 installed.In Excel 2010 I selected the cell that should have contained the dropdown-list and then pressed data validation from the data tab. I just copied the values in excell 2007 and saved.

If you find the sheet to be protected, you can use this solution : http://mcgimpsey.com/excel/removepwords.html

Hope it helps

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