Excel – Does Excel have a row filtering function (more general version of SUMIF/COUNTIF)

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SUMIF and COUNTIF functions are handy for simple SUM and COUNT operations on only some of the values in a range, but is there a more general version that would allow me to plug in any other function I want? For example, I may want to get the standard deviation of values matching some criteria – but there is no STDDEVIF. If not, what's the best way to do this, without copy-pasting the data, obviously? I'm using Excel 2007.

Best Answer

You should look into Database functions. They are much more powerful than Sumif in that the criteria is unlimited. It can be as complex or simple as you need. They also have standard deviation functions within the database category. They don't allow you to insert ANY function you want, but it would take care of your std dev problem.

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