Excel: Data Validation to make a cell required

microsoft excelvalidation

I have an Excel file with Column Headers in it. I want to give this Excel file to customers and have them fill in a few rows of data.

Several columns are required. but not all are required.

How can I make several columns required in the workbook? The only validation is that the cell is not empty. I don't know in advance how many rows the customer will make. We could show a dialog box/warning, or maybe color the offending cell differently; I really don't care. Also, no VBA or Macro solutions please.

What I've tried (without solution):

  1. Searching Google/SuperUser
  2. Using Data Validation – Text length greater than zero and do not ignore blanks. Tried this at the cell level and the column level.
  3. Using Data Validation – Custom Formula – I can't figure out how to reference the current cell for a "=LEN(currentCell)>0" formula

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The simplest method would be to just use Conditional Formatting. Especially if you can use tables:

If you're using a table you can simply select the column and set the conditional format to formula


Then format to fill in red.

-The upside of this is that table ranges are dynamic, so as new rows are added the formula will be retained.
-The downside of this is that there's nothing to stop them ignoring the warning.

You could use VBA, but many users will deny macros in their workbooks, disabling the function.

A simple way to have conditional formatting show up if a cell is blank in a row that is being used, where you can't guarantee any particular cell will be populated:


This formula will activate the conditional formatting if the cell you want highlighted is blank and any other cell in the row is not blank (for those who don't know, a COUNTA formula counts all cells in a range that are not empty). Be sure to exclude any cells containing formulas from the COUNTA as they will be counted as not blank.

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