Excel – Cyrillic export from Excel to CSV

character encodingcsvexportmicrosoft excelunicode

I have an application where I upload some content in CSV format, however the main document where I have my data is an Excel document.

I use Save As ยป CSV in order to make a CSV file, but it is not going to save the cyrillic values, instead the text looks like question marks (the system does not let me paste a lot of question marks here).

How do I export it correctly?

Best Answer

In this question, you will find Excel indeed does not preserve unicode characters when saving as csv. Their solution is to save as unicode tab separated text

To save with Unicode encoding in Excel,

Save as, choose text, then next to the save button, you see "tools" menu. Choose web options, then encoding tab, then select the encoding you like. I would suggest to save everything in UTF8, but that is your choice. Note this is in Excel 2007 or above.

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