Excel: Conditional Formatting (Highlighting) Values Based on Another Worksheet

conditional formattinghighlightingmicrosoft-excel-2010

I have a workbook that has two worksheets.

The first worksheet is simply a list of the first 78,498 prime numbers in a single column, A1-A78498.

The second worksheet has a grid of numbers from 1 to n.

The goal is to highlight the cells with prime numbers in the grid by referencing the prime number values in the other worksheet. Is this possible, and if so, how?


I have named the column with my prime numbers "PRIMES1T".

I would like the formula to work for the entire worksheet, regardless of size, but my excel-fu is extremely weak. If at all possible, I would like to be able to enter the formula in the dialog box for conditional formatting (as below):
enter image description here
I have tried =NOT(ISNA(MATCH(A:Z,PRIMES1T,0) (only A-Z, but have to start somewhere) with no luck.

Best Answer

in conditional formatting, to reference a range on another worksheet (or workbook) you need to use a named range Assuming you name your prime numbers range rPrimes then the conditional format formula would be (for cell A1)

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