Excel – Chart labeling: durations in minutes and seconds

axischartsdate timemicrosoft-excel-2010

I am attempting to chart the durations of phone interactions. They are currently entered as time of day values (I did not build the workbook), even though they are actually duration values, and Excel utterly refuses to build a chart with them, giving me a complexity error on an otherwise well-formed chart plan.

I am attempting to get a chart that displays these values as minutes and seconds in the Y-axis with the dates of the interactions in the X-axis. The problem is that in the Y-axis Excel (2010) shows a distinct preference for clear numerical values, and my data is currently entered as hh:mm:ss (directly, not calculated).

I want the chart to display how many minutes and seconds on average were spent on a specific type of call on a specific date. I have been able to convert one set of values on the sheet to a whole number using the SECONDS function and gotten at the very least a usable chart — but apparently that only works with time values of less than one minute (60 seconds). I have another column I wish to chart that displays time in minutes and seconds with a usual minute value of 1. The MINUTE function coverts these figures to straight minutes with no second values — not particularly useful for these values (because the distinctions I am looking to graph are in a range of several seconds).

Do I have a third option to get the values I seek?

Best Answer

It turns out you can do what you want with the built-in formatting options. Just plot the duration times as they are stored (time values). Right-click on the Y axis and select Format Axis | Number. Among the time formats is a standard format mm:ss.0;@. Select that and it will appear in a customization box. Edit it to read: mm"m"ss"s" and click the Add button. The axis labels will be formatted like 05m27s.

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