Excel – Can an Excel file that was edited and saved in a WinZip file be recovered

microsoft excelwinzip

I have a Zip file that contains four Excel files. I have edited those Excel files without extracting them, and closed them properly after being saved.

But when I reopened those files without extracting, I didn't find the changes I have made.

Is there any way I can recover the data?

Best Answer

You did not edit the original file. When you opened the file from inside the Zip file, it created a temporary Excel file. That is the file you edited and saved. Since you did save it, it exists somewhere. Try looking for the file on your desktop, or in the same folder where the .ZIP file is. It might have a random name, but would have a .XLS or .XLSX suffix. Worst case, you can search your entire drive for .XLS and sort by date, it would be the one with the latest creation date.

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