Excel – Apply data validation and formula in a cell in excel

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2007worksheet-function

I want to apply data validation (based on list) and formula to calculate value in a cell.

Problem: I have to make a excel template which includes Task, Task_Priority(values:1,2,3,4,5) and Task_Complexity(values: S,M,C,NA).

Rules: (All the activities below, happen only for Task_Complexity column).

  1. Task_Complexity can only have following 4 values: S, M, C, NA. So,I want to apply data validation on Task_Complexity column based on list. (please suggest for any other method).
  2. If Task_Priority is 3,4 or 5; the Task_Complexity should automatically be updated to "NA".
  3. If Task_Priority is 1 or 2; the user have to select S,M or C for Task_Complexity manually.

Please help me on this in writing formulas and validation for same cell. Thanks

Best Answer

Beware, I'm not sure I understand your question!

If the Task Priority is in B2, put =IF(B2>2,"NA","") in your cell and for validation choose a range containing only S, M and C (in separate cells).

Edit to add example:

SU607113 example

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