Excel 2010 File Format/Extension Not Valid. Unable to Manually Change File Extension

file extensionmicrosoft-excel-2010

I am at work and having problems opening an excel file. I continue to get the error:

Excel cannot open the file XXX.xlsx" because the file format or file
extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted
and that the file extension matches the format of the file.

After many searches I noticed that many have had this same problem. I am on a work computer that is connected to a server. I am unable to get onto the server computer and I'm not sure of our network set-up. This information cannot be revealed to me.

This is (one of) my conundrum: I cannot change the file extension. I managed to move it into a Zip folder, but that has not helped. I attempted to upload the file to my Google account, hoping the Google Gods will magically fix it, no avail. I cannot download a program to fix the corruption as I am not authorized to download anything.

I am almost positive that we are running on Windows XP, I know our Microsoft Office is version 2010.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

I suspect, the file is not an excel file. This can be some other extension file, which has been changed to .xlsx format.


This is bit difficult to say, what is the actual file format?

But below is sample test i have run on my machine.


I have my PDF file, just I have changed extension to .xlsx.

Now I tried to open the file that assuming it is an excel file then I will get the same error.

So just try your file by changing extension to .pdf.

enter image description here