Windows 10 – Fix Error Installing iTunes

installationituneswindowswindows 10

I have a fresh installation of Windows 10 (x64) on my machine, and I'm trying to install iTunes on it but it keeps throwing me an error: "Error during assembly: 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT.type="win32",version="8.0.50727.6195",publicKeyToken"…",processorArchitecture="amd64". HRESULT: 0x80073715".

After throwing this error it rolls back, but it doesn't cancel the installation, it keeps installing and then throws another error "Service 'Apple Mobile Device Service' (Apple Mobile Device Service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services." And than I have to cancel the installation and it rolls back.

Strangely, if I take a look at my programs list, I see that it managed to install "Apple Software Update", "Bonjour" and another compatibility app. I tried removing these apps and starting a fresh install, but the same thing happened over and over again. I searched for a few solutions online but couldn't find anything helpful.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

You may need to install a Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

If that does not work, try the solution below that was suggested on Apple's forums.

Install iTunes 12.2.1 for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards)

Open iTunes and go to the Radio. Play a song from any category. After that try playing a song from your own music.

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