Windows – Error installing program on Windows 7 64-bit

64-bitinstallationmacbookwindows 7

I am using Windows 7 Professional 64-bit with Boot Camp with a Macbook Pro.

I am attempting to install an older program, Meteonorm 40, that appears to be 32-bit only. It fails while trying to install and I get an error message that is called

Unsupported 16-Bit Application

The error message reads:

The program or feature "\??\C:\USERS\KKHOOGEN\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\~EXB0000
\DISK1\SETUP.EXE" cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 
64-bit version of Windows.  Please contact the software vendor to ask 
if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.

Is there a suggested way to install something that rejects 64-bit? Can I fool it? Should I fool it?

Best Answer

Your application is a 16-bit app, not a 32-bit app. In Vista they warned everyone that 16-bit support was going to go away - and go away it did in Windows 7.

Because you have Windows 7 Pro (for later readers all "higher" versions - Business, Ultimate, etc. - support this as well) you can use XP Mode to run older apps in an XP Virtual Machine. Paul Thurrott has a good article on this.