Email etiquette checker


Sometimes, in the heat of getting a lot of things done, I don't read emails I send as closely as I should. Is there an automated way to pop up warnings before a potentially-unpolite email is sent? I'm thinking about something that would say "wait, why don't you have a 'please' or 'would you' in that message?"

I'm using Thunderbird 2 on Ubuntu 9.04. I may be willing to switch email clients if another program offers this. (Using a Mac is also an option, which I'd prefer. Not sure if has more options, though.)

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Possibly slightly off topic but I've developed a habit of entering some random nonsense into the BCC field of any emails that I compose to external customers or to management.

This way I can't accidentally (or sleepily) click on the Send button and only realise afterwards that I haven't read it properly; until I manually remove the "erkgjherjghrejh" from the BCC field then the email won't get sent.

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