Efficient short life FTP server on AWS


I have a website for my business that integrates with other services in my industry. Most of those services send files strictly via FTP to their partners. When I receive a file via FTP, I generate an API request to the server with the website (in this case, the same machine), then I delete the file on the FTP server.

Is there an efficient way that using AWS that I can receive files via FTP, then generate a request?

I'm interested in using some sort of serverless solution like AWS's Lambda, but I'm not sure if it would work or how to go about it.

Note: The FTP server will have multiple users that will generate slightly different requests to my website server.

Best Answer

Serverless is not applicable to your situation because you specifically want to run the FTP protocol.

Without the requirement to use FTP, there would be many low-cost options, such as uploading directly to Amazon S3 or making a call to AWS Lambda via the API Gateway.

Since you wish to run FTP, you will need a server. You could probably do it from an Amazon EC2 t2.nano instance that is extremely low-cost. Just have a little script that monitors the upload directory, the takes action when it sees a file.

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