Eclipse as editor for FileZilla. How to configure it


I've decided to switch from Netbeans IDE to Eclipse PDT. I use FileZilla to edit files on FTP. I wish to use Eclipse PDT as default file editor for FileZilla.

I opened up FileZilla, went to Edit > Settings > File Editing and put /usr/bin/eclipseunder User custom editor radio, the way I had setup netbeans.

Now whenever I open any file for editing with FileZilla, a new instance of eclipse gets started. I want it to open as a new tab inside the already running instance of eclispe. I reckon there's some command line parameter that will get this done. But can't find it anywhere.

Best Answer

To accomplish this, you need to be using Eclipse 3.6 Helios or later, and you must add the --launcher.openFile switch when using it to open a file. So, change your text editor in FileZilla to:

/usr/bin/eclipse --launcher.openFile

More information is available on the Eclipse website.

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