Easy way to share a changing email group listing


I have a group of friends and acquaintances that participate in a periodic activity during lunch hours at work (for example getting together to play cards, or a game of soccer, etc). The problem is that most people work in different places, so organization is best done via email as some members cannot access certain web sites (e.g. Facebook – so Facebook Groups are out).

When someone is added or removed it takes a while for the "list" to be updated all across the board presenting issues with people being left out, or continuing to get unwanted emails. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that many of the members are not overly technically savvy, so creating complex applications or infrastructure is out of the question as well.

Is there an easy way to store lists of email addresses that could be shared amongst peers? Something like delicious.com comes to mind for me but searching for "sharing email groups" brings up some pretty terrible results.

Best Answer

Try Posterous, which looks like a very simple interface for creating a website, has Facebook integration, and can double as email lists now:


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