DVD: Copy-protection fail

copy protectiondrmdvdmedia-player-classic

I'm trying to play a DVD in Media Player Classic, when I get the error DVD: Copy-protection fail.

What can I do to play my DVD? Preferably in MPC.

I'm running Windows 7. It works in Windows Media Player, but as it doesn't give me as many configuration options as MPC, I'd prefer to use MPC. And of course this is a genuine DVD, as this only affects us poor suckers that actually buy DVDs 🙁

Best Answer

The Media Player Classic FAQ says :

Q: I get a "DVD: Macrovision Failed" error when trying to play a DVD

A: This may happen if you have are using Haali video renderer.
Solution is to change the video renderer in MPC options.

MPC options -> Playback -> Output

Apart from this, you may try updating the video driver from the manufacturer's website, or abandon MPC.

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