Dual boot Windows 7 / 8 is one Antivirus software enough


I have a dual boot setup with Windows 7 and Windows 8. In Windows 7 I have Antivirus / Internet security Software from Symantec. Is it enough if I scan the Windows 8 partition lets say once a week or do I need as well Antivirus software for Windows 8?

Follow up question:
First thank you all for your quick answers! I will install an Antivirus on Windows 8 but bofore I do, I would like to know if it is best to install the same as I have on Windows 7 or is it better to have a different one?

Best Answer

Need is a strong term, but I recommend one AV program for each running OS.

If you do not do that, consider the following:

  • You boot windows 7. It is clean. It also scans the windows 8 partitions, which turn out clean.
  • You boot windows 8, click on a wrong link in a forwarded mail or otherwise get infected.
  • Until you reboot and rescan from win 7 the win 8 side keeps infected, doing whatever it wants. (e.g. it can delete all documents on all partitions, or encrypt then as randomware).