Draw a line in Visio between objects without obscuring the text in the label


I have a shape with a text label below. I want to be able to draw a line down from the shape and NOT have it run through the text label because it obscures the text. What I have done to get around this is to disconnect the line from the top shape and draw it from some point in space just below the text area. This is a pain and has to be readjusted every time I move shapes. I was hoping to find a way to connect the line to the text label directly or possibly apply a fill to the text label area to make it look like the line starts below the text field. Any suggestions?

I tried to illustrate this below. Assume the boxes are actually shapes. You can (hopefully) see that the line goes between shapes runs straight through the text label.

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Text |label
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Ideally it would look something like the below after the "fix"

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Text label
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Best Answer

Select the shape, then right-click -> Format -> Text, select Text Block, set Text Background to Solid Color and select white.

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