Windows 8 Keyboard – Dot Instead of Comma on Numerical Keyboard

key-bindingkeyboardkeyboard-layoutwindows 8

Using polish language on Windows 8.1, comma is the default decimal seperator on numerical keyboard. Is there a way to change it to dot?

I wouldn't like to change it in Excel or some other program, but permanently rebind that key to dot. Can I do that?

Best Answer

I think the same problem sits in the German version of Windows 8. This way it is really annoying for example to enter a date or decimal number in Excel. The Numberpad becomes totally useless.

The Solution (sorry for German screenshots):

  1. Open Control Panel (Systemsteuerung) with rightclick on the windows icon in the lower left corner of your screen.
  2. Select the shortcut to change the format of Date, Time and Numbers (Datums-, Uhrzeit- oder Zahlenformat ändern): Control Panel
  3. Choose the Advanced Settings (Weitere Einstellungen): Region Settings
  4. Type in a dot instead of the comma (Dezimaltrennzeichen Komma --> Punkt): Change Format
  5. Repeat step 4 for the Currency (Währung) tab.
  6. Confirm changes with OK.

Hope this helps.