Does the CPU fan race when running videos or virtual machines

cpu usagememoryperformancewindows-vista

I have:

  • Windows Vista Home 32-Bit SP1
  • Intel Celeron CPU 3.06 GHz
  • 2 GB RAM

I installed the operating system about a year ago, has been working fine.

However about 3 months ago, the CPU fan has started to intermittently race at a high-pitched tone, especially during or after viewing Youtube videos, or being on a web site with Flash, or running a virtual machine. Also Thunderbird and Tweetdeck seem to kick the fan into high-speed mode as well.

However, sometimes I can run these applications with no CPU-fan racing, it seems to vary.

Vacuuming the fan to clear all the dust actually improves the situation but it seems it is just getting worse and even after a vacuum and a reboot, it isn't but 10 minutes of computer use that the fan starts screaming again:

Just as an example, I started a youtube video and a virtual machine at the same time, but the fan remained quiet:

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However, after this, I started Thunderbird and the fan started racing again:

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It is not a 1-to-1 cause-and-effect, it just starts racing about every 10 minutes. It never used to do this.

What can I do to improve this situation other than a full reinstall of the operating system?

  • get 4 GB of RAM?
  • install windows 7?
  • new video card?
  • is there some way I can monitor my CPU fan with software?

Anyone have experience with this?

Best Answer

I'd have a go with Speedfan to see if the fan speed has anything to do with the temperature of the CPU. If your CPU is getting too hot, then it's natural for the fan speed to increase.

If so, then getting a new high performance or low noise fan might be your best option.

If you're feeling adventurous, you could also give your fan's bearings an oiling, although that's a slightly harder option.