Does SSD TRIM work with a ‘Boot from VHD’ scenario


I have recently purchased an Intel X-25 G2 SSD (160GB) as an extra drive for my laptop.

I created a fixed size disk virtual disk (40GB) and have installed Windows Server 2008 R2 onto this VHD. I now 'boot to VHD'.

(I want multiple development environments, therefore separate VHD's are the way to go for me.)

This works great and fast. No complaints.

Just a nagging feeling. How does TRIM work in this scenario? Am I potentially trashing my SSD by using it like this?

I couldn't find any definitive answers via Google.. I ran "fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify" and it returned '0'. However this is apparently not definitive.

I ran the defragmentation program, and it seems the SSD drive is available for this task.

Is there:

1) Any way I can determine TRIM is working?
2) If not, how do I enable?

Best Answer

A work-in-progress document on Microsoft site notes new features of 8 platform. They do not specify wether this only works on server or client:

They also say a little about the new VHDX format, which is supposed to support TRIM,

I can't verify this is working because right now I have a w8cp running on the standard vhd format so I'll try to perform a clean reinstall on the new vhdx format. If you're unpatient, you can do this yourself and watch a file deletion with procmon (you're supposed to see a number of certain api calls, see below details)

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