MacOS – does rsync update NTFS directories when the source has not changed


I'm taking classes with lots of phonetic and grammatical analysis. They've given me an account on a Windows 10 network. Since I am much more comfortable with Mac and Linux (and since the Windows availability hours are limited), I do my work on my Mac laptop.

I auto-mounted my NTFS directories, but there's something flaky with their LAN, so that quite often some apps have read-only access or no access at all.

Consequently, I work in a local copy and frequently rsync changes. But rsync* always updates every NTFS directory—the directory only, never any files (except those I actually changed). Most of those directories, I have never navigated into, yet rsync reports updates all the way down the subdir tree. It's not major—finishes in seconds—but it's still pretty weird.

What do Windows and NTFS do to directories that are never accessed that makes rsync think they have changed?

Best Answer

Allow comparison of mod-times with reduced accuracy

It appears in this type of setup where you mount to an NTFS partition you want to ensure you use appropriate parameters such as --modify-window=5 to increase the default value to allow comparison of mod-times with reduced accuracy.


    When comparing two timestamps, rsync treats the timestamps as
    being equal if they differ by no more than the modify-window value. This 
    is normally 0 (for an exact match), but you may find it useful to set 
    this to a larger value in some situations. In particular, when
    transferring to or from an MS Windows FAT filesystem (which represents               
    times with a 2-second resolution), --modify-window=1 is useful (allowing 
    times to differ by up to 1 second).

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