Does PATH search include symlinks


The POSIX shell standard says on this site

about how shells use PATH to look for executables:

"The list shall be searched from beginning to end, applying the filename to each prefix, until an executable file with the specified name and appropriate execution permissions is found."

Well, this is not how this appears to work in real POSIX implementation:

man which says:

"returns the pathnames of the files (or links) which would be executed in the current environment, had its arguments been given as commands in a strictly POSIX-conformant shell. It does this by searching the PATH for executable files matching the names of the arguments. It does not follow symbolic links."

OK, let's look at this situation:

$ pwd

$ echo $PATH

$ ls -l bin/foobar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mark mark 18 Dec 12 22:51 bin/foobar -> /home/mark/foobar1
$ touch foobar1
$ which foobar
$ chmod a+x foobar1
$ which foobar

OK, here is a symbolic link in PATH with the correct name, and it is reported by ls to be executable.

which does not look at it at all,
but is only interested in what it points to.

That despite the fact that both man which explicitly says that it does not follow symbolic links (and indeed we see it doesn't, because which foobar does not print foobar1), and also that the POSIX shell documentation quoted above, never ever mentions following symlinks in the PATH algorithm.

So, is which and the existing shells wrong, or am I not understanding the documentation?


I know and can explain the existing behaviour. My question is not "how does this work?". That I know.

My question is about documentation: where is my mistake in following the documentation that I quoted. Or is the documentation wrong?

Why do I care?

Well, I am an implementer. Different implementers have different requirements. For me, the requirement is that the word of the current POSIX standard MUST be followed EXACTLY (or, more precisely, the best it can be, because, the standard itself is somewhat buggy). Like as it were the word of God.

Now, the standard wording is pretty clear – following symlinks is not mentioned, where in many other places, it is mentioned where it needs to be done. So in this case, don't.

However, I always double check how dash and bash behave, just to make sure. Now of course, there is a little problem here as well, dash even though it is billed as POSIX, has plenty of small bugs with conformance to POSIX. bash, I have yet to find any bugs with POSIX, but… bash isn't actually POSIX, it is much more than that.

So there you have it. That is why I care.

Best Answer

The permissions of the symlink itself are irrelevant. You couldn't even change them if you tried.

What matters are permissions of the underlying file.

It is fine to have directories in your PATH include symlinks to executables. In fact, it is likely that many executables in your PATH are symlinks. For example, on debian/ubuntu-like systems:

$ ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jan 23  2017 /bin/sh -> dash


From man chmod:

chmod never changes the permissions of symbolic links; the chmod system call cannot change their permissions. This is not a problem since the permissions of symbolic links are never used. However, for each symbolic link listed on the command line, chmod changes the permissions of the pointed-to file. In contrast, chmod ignores symbolic links encountered during recursive directory traversals. [Emphasis added.]


The shell has a test, -x, to determine if a file is executable. Let's try that:

$ ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 john1024 john1024 7 Dec 12 23:36 foo -> foobar1
-rw-rw---- 1 john1024 john1024 0 Dec 12 23:36 foobar1
$ [ -x foo ] && echo foo is executable
$ chmod +x foobar1
$ [ -x foo ] && echo foo is executable
foo is executable

So, just like you found with which, the shell does not consider a softlink executable unless the underlying file is executable.

How which works

On a Debian system, which is a shell script. The relevant section of the code is:

 case $PROGRAM in
   if [ -f "$PROGRAM" ] && [ -x "$PROGRAM" ]; then
    puts "$PROGRAM"
   for ELEMENT in $PATH; do
    if [ -z "$ELEMENT" ]; then
    if [ -f "$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" ] && [ -x "$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" ]; then
     puts "$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM"
     [ "$ALLMATCHES" -eq 1 ] || break

As you can see, it uses the -x test to determine is a file is executable.

POSIX specifies the -x test as follows:

-x pathname
True if pathname resolves to an existing directory entry for a file for which permission to execute the file (or search it, if it is a directory) will be granted, as defined in File Read, Write, and Creation. False if pathname cannot be resolved, or if pathname resolves to an existing directory entry for a file for which permission to execute (or search) the file will not be granted. [Emphasis added.]

So, POSIX checks what the pathname resolves to. In other words, it accepts symlinks.

POSIX exec function

The POSIX exec function follows symlinks. The POSIX spec goes on at length to specify error conditions it may report if symlinks are circular or too deep, such as:

A loop exists in symbolic links encountered during resolution of the path or file argument.

More than {SYMLOOP_MAX} symbolic links were encountered during resolution of the path or file argument.
As a result of encountering a symbolic link in resolution of the path argument, the length of the substituted pathname string exceeded {PATH_MAX}.