Does Docker Community Edition support secrets management in any form


Docker recently announced Community and Enterprise editions of docker and gave a matrix of the differences in each. It shows that "Integrated secrets management" is not available for community and enterprise basic editions. We are using secrets in our current Docker setup (pre CE/EE).

Does this mean that we will need to upgrade to EE in order not to loose this feature or is "Integrated secrets management" a new more robust version of the existing secrets management that we are used to in the pre CE/EE era? This somehow feels like a bait-and-switch move on the part of Docker, if we now have to pay for something that was free before.

Since this is a recent announcement I can't seem to find any documentation on the specific differences other than the matrix, which would make it clear what features, if any, the free edition is losing. I installed Docker on a machine yesterday and I see the documentation for the installation process is already updated to have people install either CE or EE

Best Answer

I was confused by this as well. I spoke to a developer at Docker and they stated the following:

The 'secrets mgmt' listed isn't 'secrets' itself. secrets is part of the open source project and definitely part of CE. The pricing page will be revised, sorry for the confusion.

So it looks like secrets will stay around and the EE version will have a more robust version.

Hope this helps.

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