Does disabling laptop keyboard backlight LEDs improve battery life


On a laptop, if you press the key that turns on/off the backlight on the keyboard, does it improve battery life?

I ask this because I find myself instinctively disabling the LEDs when I don't need them, but I don't know why I do it.

Other than improving visibility at night, I don't see any advantages of having them on other than "it looks nice". But, I also don't see any disadvantages to them being on. In theory, it makes sense to just have them on full time.

If they're off, I really don't see how something so small can make a significant battery impact. Which brings me back to my question: does disabling the LED backlight on a laptop keyboard improve battery life?


P.S. I mean the backlight on the keyboard, not CapsLock and NumLock indicators.

Best Answer

Yes, but how much time you will gain with that, probably nothing very impressive. A LED doesn't have a big electricity consumption so, it will be a very small gain.

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