DNS Servers – Does Chrome Use Different DNS from Firefox and IE?


Is the common set up for Chrome that it will use a different DNS server, while Firefox and IE will use the OS networking default?

My Chrome (including one on virtual PC) will sometimes show "Resolving host" and wait there for 20, 30 seconds, while Firefox and IE won't. (so after 20, 30 seconds with a blank page, the page will finally not be able to load).

So is there something that Chrome is doing that makes it different?

Best Answer

Yes, sort of. Chrome has an option enabled by default called DNS caching/prefetching.

Usually this lets Chrome "speed up" a user's browsing experience because it caches/prefetches DNS queries.

If you're having problems, try disabling DNS prefetching under the Wrench -> Options -> Under the Hood.

edit: Chrome does not use it's own servers to do DNS lookups, it does, however, lookup all the DNS entries of the links on a page when first loaded.