Does 7-Zip’s compression speed lower over time


I'm busy backing up my local server files, which amounts to just under 4GB of data in ~295000 files. I selected 7z as the format, and set the level to Store.

The process started pretty quickly, but the speed has dropped from 9MB/s to 1MB/s (and lowering) over a period of half an hour. The estimated completion time has also gone up quite considerably, and continues to rise.

Any reason as to why this is the case? Is the speed indication shown the actual current speed, or is it some kind of average?

Edit: As a side note, this obviously only happens with a large sequence of small files. When it gets to the larger files towards the end of the 'queue', it speeds up as one would expect it to.

Best Answer

Store has no compression.If you are only trying to backup all files without compression then use zip format with store in 7-zip. It should take less time than 7z(7z will give you best compression ratio than rar, zip, tar etc.)Rar is best in speed/compression ratio. So use Winrar(Winrar is 40 day trial softwar without license). You can reinstall winrar to reset the trial.

Use ccleaner that might speed up your system.

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