Why Do We Need Subnet Mask?


Since a IPv4 address already gives the information of the network and and host, why do we still need a subnet mask?

The 1st Octet already specify the network class (1-127: A, 128-191: B, 192-223: C etc.). A, B, or C implies the number of octets for network (respectively,,,, which automatically tells you how many hosts is allowed for each class of network.

The IP gives all the information a subnet mask has, and more. Why do we need subnet mask in the first place? If the information a subnet contains is not entirely a subset of that inside an IP, then what else does it contain or what in addition does the subnet do, that require us to specify it independently?

Best Answer

We need a subnet mask for IPv4 addresses because the address doesn't give any information on the network size. Class sizes are not the network sizes. In practical networks all IPv4 networks are broken up into subnets that are smaller than the class size.

For example you could break up the class C network into two smaller networks (potentially at separate locations) and assuming neither needed more than 126 hosts. In reality most companies only get enough IPv4 addresses for the servers that need to be on the public Internet. I've personally seen set ups with 32,16, & 8 address networks (that would be masks of,, & respectively)

Having IP networks only in class size blocks was too restrictive in limited the number of networks that could be allowed - the 127 class A networks taking half of the space. Not to mention that having a 24 billion node network is completely unmanageable Instead in 1993 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) was introduced to allow the networks to be split up.

Also to be clear the purpose of the subnet mask is to determine which hosts are on the local network and which are outside of the network. Hosts can talk directly to hosts on the same network, but they need to communicate with a router to talk to hosts on external networks.

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