Do recommended battery charging practices for a laptop apply to an ultrabook (with non-removable battery)


For normal laptops, everyone said that if you want to use your laptop for a long period of time at home, its better if you detach the battery and just connect it directly to power. I followed this practice with my old laptop, turning it on when I woke up and turning it off when I went to bed.

I bought a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro a while ago, which is an ultrabook. The battery is non-removable. Is it OK to run it 12 hours a day continuously on the charger? Will the battery be harmed?

Best Answer

So should i keep the y2p and just connect its charger all the time or get a laptop that has a removable battery? like maybe a macbook or something?

Recent Apple laptops aren't designed to allow you to remove or replace the battery (see here for an example) so would be a bad choice if that is that is really something that bothers you.

Also, Lenovo laptops normally come with a program called Energy Management where you can control battery charging, if you don't have it already then you can download it here.

As far as I am aware, this laptop supports Lenovo's standard Conservation mode as explained here:

This mode in energy manager affects the firmware on the battery, and stops the charging when it reaches 60%.

In some cases, not charging the battery to 100% constantly may improve the overall lifespan of the battery with the trade off being that you will have less run time on a charge because you are only using 60% of the battery capacity.

This setting is most often suggested for a system that is always Plugged in to the Ac adapter,

If you keep the laptop plugged in all the time then in theory this may help although it's debatable whether this is really necessary.

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