DNS with VPN (local vs. remote DNS)


My computer is connected to the work domain, where it gets the local dns-servers along with the dhcp-settings.

For a certain customer, i'm connecting to their network using VPN (Open VPN / TAP-Device) which ofc. sets up a second ip along with their DNS Servers.

The problem i'm facing, is that Windows 10 seems to be unable to decide which DNS-Server to query: let's say the domains are ad.customer.com and ad.mysite.com.

When the connection is established, windows 10 by default uses the dns-server of the remote-site, i.e. dns1.ad.customer.com. Local DNS resolution now fails, which makes local file-shares, printers, etc. pp. inaccessible.

The problem is obviously, that the domain-names are sub-domains of a valid tld:

  • The PC starts to ask the remote-dns-server for mysite.com – which could be resolved online.
  • But then ofc, the online-domain-controller responsibe for mysite.com does not have any information for ad.mysite.com, because this is only handled by the local dns-server(s)
  • tracerouting any internal name shows, that windows clearly tries to resolve it this way…

If I modify the metrics of the network connections (local vs TAP) then it behaves the other way round: I'm able to access local resources even if VPN is established, but obviously i'm not able to resolve hostnames on the ad.customer.com-domain, because now the same thing vice-versa happens:

  • Windows is asking my local DNS for customer.com
  • the request is forwarded to the DNS Server responsible for cusotmer.com – which in turn is the "online-version" and not aware of the internal ad-subdomain.

Is there a way to tell Windows which Connection / DNS-Server should be used for a certain FQDN?

Or could I setup my dc1.ad.mysite.com to respond in a way, that the client knows he needs to query dc1.ad.customer.com (ip) instead?

(Setting up a dns-forwarder ofc. will not work, because the internal-dns servers aren't connected, since the VPN-Connection originates from my machine)

So to say, I would need DNS-Redirection, not DNS-Forwarding.

Local One is 2012 R2, if that has an impact on the options.

Best Answer

I figured it out: Both online-dns servers (customer.com and mysite.com) had wildcard records setup, i.e. a A-record like *.mysite.com

Therefore, when the ad.customer.com internal DNS was queried for a fqdn on ad.mysite.com, it was forwarded to OUR online-dns, the online-DNS responsible for mysite.com answered with the primary IP due to it's wildcard-A-record:

enter image description here

I cannot change the Domain-Records for the customer, but i can change ours. So, I configured the metrics in order that the remote connection is used first, but for our tld, I disabled the wildcard-record, leaving only valid hostnames to be answered.

So, if a VPN-Connection is established now, Windows will start to query the customers local dns, even for internal hostnames, but then no longer receives a wrong answer (due to forwarding to the online-dns) but nothing.

NOW Windows seems to query the dns servers of the secondary connection (local one, higher metric), which then works and leads to the correct result:

enter image description here

Knowing the cause, another - maybe better - solution was easy to find: While Solution 1 would always query the customers local DNS first, this one works with querying our local dns first:

First, ofc. Metrics of the two connections have been changed, so that the local connection is used first.

Inside our local DNS-Server I setup a Primary-Zone, matching the customers domain: customer.com - and left it empty.

Now, our local DNS will answer with not found rather than forwarding the query to the customers wildcard-using-online-dns-server. (Which cannot resolve their internal names)

My PC will now use the second (remote) connection, where the query for internal names can be resolved.

Drawback: Without an established VPN-Connection, I can no longer access the customers website, because our local dns is no longer forwarding these queries.

If I would need that as well, I could setup A-records in the "Fake-primary-Zone" ofc.

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