Dns – OpenWRT dnsmasq: possible DNS-rebind detected


I have a problem since I use a new router (TP-Link WDR4300 + OpenWRT BarrierBreaker) and in the System log is full of this periodically:

<Timestamp> dnsmasq[2524]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: 4385410-0-3084195388-824858262.ns.183-213-22-60-ns.dns-spider.ffdns.net

I use my ISP's DNS (Telekom Hungary, IPv4 DNS) but I've tried Google's too ( and too), but there is this issue.

I can reach my router from WAN (via DDNS (duckdns)), may it possible that this is the source of my problem?

I've tried to search DNS-rebind attack and so in OpenWRT topics but sadly I can't found anything useful there.

There is any workaround to prevent those bots to rebind?

Best Answer

It looks like dnsmasq is reachable from the internet. This allows DNS scanners to attempt rebind attacks. Check your firewall configuration. This particular server appears to be a research server, although I would expect only a few attempts from such a server.

Generally you want a mostly closed configuration on the internet interface with only the services you need enabled. DNS is usually not one of the services you want to enable.

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