Dns – How to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS when ISP blocks port 80


I am running a HTTPS web server at home but it has one key flaw: you can't connect to it using port 80. My ISP (Cox) blocked (incoming) port 80, there is nothing I can do about it, but luckily for me they did not block port 443. So, I have opted to use a pure HTTPS server, but this is not quite working, since I have a few things I want to redirect to my (HTTPS) server:

http://www.example.com/ redirects to https://www.example.com/

http://example.com/ redirects to https://www.example.com/

https://example.com/ redirects to https://www.example.com/

And finally, the roadblock: https://www.example.com/ points to (CNAME) powe.ddns.net, which is my dynamic DNS. I tried, but I cannot mix URL and CNAME records or make a CNAME only point towards a single port on an IP.

So far I have made all the redirects go to https://ww2.example.com/ and have that point at my home server, but with this I cannot make https://www.example.com/ redirect to https://ww2.example.com/ because I cannot do HTTPS to HTTPS redirects.

All the solutions I have found thus far rely on port 80 being open, which I cannot do. So, what can I do? Possible solutions include HTTPS to HTTPS redirects, port specific DNS, and from-HTTPS URL forwarding (I have only found HTTP to HTTP or HTTP to HTTPS URL forwarding). Thank you!

Best Answer

Well, it turns out that it is possible. Using CloudFlare's CDN, you can do an automatic HTTPS redirect at the network level using the "Always Use HTTPS" feature, shown here.

Cloudflare HTTPS Rewrite

This happens even before the request reaches your server, and is available for the free tier. You can also turn on HSTS if you want to avoid rewriting every time.

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