Dns – How to achieve Port Forwarding on OpenWrt routers


I am trying to set up a qBittorent Web UI on my home computer that will be available to me everywhere through Dynamic DNS. I have read the relevant posts here but am still hitting a wall.

This is my setup :
qBittorent 3.1.12 running on Linux Mint 17.1
I am using duckdns.org for DDNS through their Linux GUI
My router is running on OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45545.


What I have done so far:
Enabled UPnP on the router and the redirects show up on the main page.

The duckdns log gives "OK" so I understand that everything should be working at DDNS provider's end.

On my computer, logging in with my local ip:port number ( successfully brings up the Web UI of qBittorent.

Trying the 'domain_name'.duckdns.org:58080 given an "Unable to connect" error.

Additionally, trying only 'domain_name'.duckdns.org gives a "Forbidden :
Rejected request from RFC1918 IP to public server address" error message.

Even more confusing for me is that the port checking tool 'canyouseeme' is able to "see" the port.


I have installed 'gufw' and disabled the firewall on my PC.
I am clueless. I have tried various permutations and combinations but I know that there is something, some small checkbox or entry that I have missed and it probably lies with the router.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

Port forwarding is achieved through the Network > Firewall menu.

For the error message:

Forbidden : Rejected request from RFC1918 IP to public server address

In the file /etc/config/uhttpd, you need to disable rfc1918_filter:

config uhttpd 'main'
        option rfc1918_filter '0'

The restart the http server:

/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart

This will let you access your router using it's public IP address from your LAN.

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