Dns – BIND can’t resolve a domain name


I have a BIND ubuntu server as a private DNS server for com zone and two hosts (web servers). The three are virtual hosts using virtual box and connect together using a virtual host card.

I have this configuration file in the DNS server for forward resolution:

$TTL    604800

@       IN      SOA     dns1.com. admin.com. (
                              19        ; Serial
                         604820         ; Refresh
                          86600         ; Retry
                        2419600         ; Expire
                         604600 )       ; Negative Cache TTL

; name servers - NS records
    IN  NS  dns1.com.

; name servers - A records
dns1.com.          IN      A

; - A records
@           IN      NS      dns1.com.
host1.          IN      A
host2.          IN      A

I try to connect to both hosts using their domain name. The first one opens correctly. The second one can never open.

Both are pingaple. Here is the second host ping result from my machine:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

I am able to resolve host2.com if I use the local host file in my windows machine by adding this entry:    host2.com

I can not find why my DNS server can not resolve host2 but can resolve host1?

Here is the named.conf.local file:

zone ".com" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/forward.host1.com";

zone "56.168.192.in-addr.arpa"{
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/reverse.host1.com";

I do not think the file names forward.host1.com reverse.host1.com has any effect on the resolution? do they?

To check the configurations:

/etc/bind$ sudo named-checkzone com forward.host1.com
forward.host1.com:20: ignoring out-of-zone data (host1)
forward.host1.com:21: ignoring out-of-zone data (host2)
zone com/IN: loaded serial 19

Can anyone point to me why I can't resolve host2?

After an answer suggested, the file has been updated to the followin but without any hope. I now can not reach neither host1 nor host2 although they are up and running and I can reach them by IP:

$TTL    604800

@       IN      SOA     dns1.com. admin.com. (

                              24        ; Serial

                         604820         ; Refresh

                          86600         ; Retry

                        2419600         ; Expire

                         604600 )       ; Negative Cache TTL

; name servers - NS records

    IN  NS  dns1.com.

; name servers - A records

dns1.com          IN      A

; - A records

@           IN      NS      dns1.com.

host1           IN      A

host2           IN      A

Best Answer

It sounds as if you are having some difficulty, so here are two (hopefully) working examples for you. Note that the first option (the .com zone) will likely prevent resolution of normal .com domains (e.g. google.com). The second option (the dns1.com zone) does not have this drawback.

Example .com Zone Files

ex. /etc/bind/named.conf.local

; "db.com.tld" is a random name - use whatever you like.
; The same goes for "db.rev.192".
; Likewise, you can adjust your "allow-transfer" settings,
; etc. as needed.

zone "com." IN {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/zones/db.com.tld";
    allow-transfer { none; };

zone "56.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/zones/db.rev.192";
    allow-transfer { none; };

ex. /etc/bind/zones/db.com.tld

; BIND data file for TLD ".com"
; This will likely break real ".com" websites (i.e. anything not listed here).

$TTL 3600
@   IN  SOA     com.    admin.com. (
                2018040501  ; Serial
                604800      ; Refresh period
                86400       ; Retry interval
                2419200     ; Expire time (28 days... later)
                604800 )    ; Negative Cache TTL (1 week)

; Name Servers - NS records
@       IN NS  ns1.com.   ; This is required
@       IN NS  ns2.com.   ; You should have two name servers

; Name Servers - A records
ns1                 IN A        ; This is required
ns2                 IN A        ; You should have two name servers

; Our domains/sub-domains
dns1                IN A        ; dns1.com
host1.dns1          IN A        ; host1.dns1.com
host2.dns1          IN A        ; host2.dns1.com

Note that is okay to use a period like this, though arguably redundant in this case:

;ok.period.com.     IN A        ; ok.period.com -> FQDN

And this is what you should avoid:

;no.period.         IN A        ; Don't use periods for sub-domains
;no.period.com      IN A        ; While this works, this is actually accessed as no.period.com.com!

ex. /etc/bind/zones/db.rev.192

; BIND reverse data file.
; The domain, etc. used should be a listed 'zone' in named.conf. 

$TTL 86400
@   IN SOA      com.    admin.com. (
                2018040501  ; Serial
                10800       ; Refresh
                3600        ; Retry
                604800      ; Expire
                86400 )     ; Minimum

; In this case, the number just before "PTR" is the last octet 
; of the IP address for the device to map (e.g. 192.168.56.[3])

; Name Servers
@       IN NS   ns1.com.
@       IN NS   ns2.com.

; Reverse PTR Records
3       IN PTR  dns1.com.   
7       IN PTR  host1.dns1.com.
8       IN PTR  host2.dns1.com.

Note that the setup above likely limits your options with regards to having your machines access .com domains other than the ones you create (i.e. they will likely not be able to access them). If you wish them to access foreign .com domains, you can try the narrower approach below.

Example dns1.com Zone Files

ex. /etc/bind/named.conf.local

; "db.dns1.com" is a random name - use whatever you like.
; Likewise, you can adjust your "allow-transfer" settings,
; etc. as needed.

zone "dns1.com" IN {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/zones/db.dns1.com";
    allow-transfer { none; };

You can use the same named.conf.local reverse zone entry as above.

ex. /etc/bind/zones/db.dns1.com

; BIND data for http://dns1.com

$TTL 3600 
@   IN SOA      ns1.dns1.com.   admin.dns1.com. (
                2018040501  ; Serial
                604820      ; Refresh
                86600       ; Retry
                2419600     ; Expire
                604600 )    ; Negative Cache TTL

; Name Servers - NS records
@       IN NS   ns1.dns1.com.   ; This is required
@       IN NS   ns2.dns1.com.   ; You should have two name servers

; Name Servers - A records
ns1                 IN A        ; This is required
ns2                 IN A        ; You should have two name servers

; Our domains/sub-domains
dns1.com.           IN A         ; dns1.com 
host1               IN A         ; host1.dns1.com
host2               IN A         ; host2.dns1.com

ex. /etc/bind/zones/db.rev.192

; BIND reverse data file.
; The domain, etc. used should be a listed 'zone' in named.conf. 

$TTL 86400
@   IN SOA      dns1.com.   admin.dns1.com. (
                2018040501  ; Serial
                10800       ; Refresh
                3600        ; Retry
                604800      ; Expire
                86400 )     ; Minimum

; In this case, the number just before "PTR" is the last octet 
; of the IP address for the device to map (e.g. 192.168.56.[3])

; Name Servers
@       IN NS   ns1.dns1.com.
@       IN NS   ns2.dns1.com.

; Reverse PTR Records
3       IN PTR  dns1.com.   
7       IN PTR  host1.dns1.com.
8       IN PTR  host2.dns1.com. 
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